Population: 4,543,111 Number of K-12 Schools: 2,518 Number of K-12 Students: 766,280 . Number of K-12 Distance Learning Programs: 46 Number of K-12 Distance Learning Students: ~77,000 |
Note that these profiles are taken from the most recent edition of the report, please review additional annual profiles below.
The research team did not receive a response from officials in the Government of Alberta to our repeated requests for information. As such, updates to this profile for the 2022-23 school year are limited and based on data provided by key stakeholders and document analysis.
Governance and Regulation
While the Minister does have the authority to make regulations, there are none pertaining to distance education programs at this time. The Ministry defines online learning as:
a structured learning environment in which students engage with their teachers in one or more online courses. Alberta certificated teachers employed by a school authority are responsible for instruction. (Government of Alberta, 2018, p. 85)
Further, the Guide to Education: ECS to Grade 12 defines an online course as:
one in which the majority of instruction and assessment takes place over the Internet, using a learning management system (LMS). The LMS provides students with access to course content, teachers and other students. Students may access the LMS from multiple settings (in school and/or out of school buildings) and engage in both synchronous and asynchronous instruction. (p. 85)
The Ministry also identifies specific distance and online learning programs/schools through the Ministry’s online learning directory (see https://www.alberta.ca/online-learning.aspx ).
Enrolment in these programs is tracked through the use of specific codes in the Provincial Approach to Student Information systems. At present, there are currently three specific coding mechanisms for tracking online enrolments.
- Schools may indicate that they offer an online learning program by entering this information in the Provincial Education Directory.
- Course and course enrolments may be identified as virtual (online learning) and print based distance education in provincial student information systems.
- Students who are completing the majority of their courses online can be identified as such using the online learning student enrolment code.
Alberta Education is aware that some schools and school authorities may not use the appropriate coding for distance and online courses and is working with school authorities to increase awareness and improve accuracy in the assignment of student and program codes for online and distance learning programs.
Distance and online learning are also funded differently than brick-and-mortar education. The Funding Manual for School Authorities: 2021/22 School Year outlined the following changes related to distance education:
Sections C1.5, D1.5 – Distance Education
- Distance Education – Non-Primary Registration funding tiers have been replaced with a per student allocation.
- New Distance Education Non-Primary Registration funding added with the following allocations;
- Non-Primary Registration Out-of-District Allocation
- New Application-based for Online Providers Allocation
- Only students who have a primary registration at a school authority in Alberta on the September count date of the school year will be counted towards non-primary enrolment of a school authority.
Section H1.1 – Funding Rates for School Jurisdictions
- New Distance Education Non-Primary Registration WMA student rate added.
Section H1.2 – Funding Rates for Accredited Funded Private Schools
- New Distance Education Non-Primary Registration WMA student rate added. (Alberta Education, 2021, pp. 5-6)
More specifically, funding was not allocated based on the number of students, but on a weighted moving average (WMA) using the following formula:
Full-time online students: WMA Enrolment Online Students (3 5 online credits completed or higher for high school students) x Base Instruction Rate
Part-time online students: Number of WMA completed credits x Applicable WMA Per Credit Rate (p. 30)
The WMA for 2021-22 was based on enrollment data from the 2020-21 school year. In addition to the WMA funding of students from within the boundary of the school authority, the 2021-22 funding manual added a section related to funding for students from other school authorities throughout the province. Funding for these students were provided based on the number of non-primary registrations by out of district students as of the September count day multiplied by the distance education non-primary rate. Finally, the 2021-22 funding manual provided for a grant program that school authorities could apply to support new online education programs that focused on students from outside of that school authority.
Finally, during the 2017-18 school year Alberta Education changed the terminology for a program that consists of two parts (i.e., where the school-authority is responsible for the student’s education program, and where the parent is responsible for their child’s education program) from blended program to “shared responsibility” program. This change allowed the province to become more aligned with the current e-learning nomenclature. At present, Alberta Education does not have an official definition for blended learning.
K-12 Distance and Online Learning Activity
At present, Alberta Education (2023) lists 46 different distance and/or online learning programs as a part of their website directory. Historically, approximately 10% to 12% of students in the province have participated in distance and/or online learning courses. As such, a conservative estimate suggests that approximately 77,000 were engaged in distance and/or online learning during the 2022-23 school year.
K-12 Blended Learning Activity
Blended learning occurs in various forms across the province, but Alberta Education currently does not track this activity. School authorities are flexible in their support of blended teaching and learning to better meet the learning needs of students.
Alberta Education. (2018). Guide to education: ECS to grade 12, 2018-2019. https://education.alberta.ca/media/3772212/guide-to-education-2018.pdf
Alberta Education. (2021). Funding manual for school authorities: 2021/22 school year. https://open.alberta.ca/dataset/8f3b4972-4c47-4009-a090-5b470e68d633/resource/9e514cbb-d48e-452d-aa3d-0f2db439c275/download/edc-funding-manual-2021-2022-school-year.pdf
Alberta Education. (2023). Online learning. https://www.alberta.ca/online-learning
Previous Provincial Profiles
History of K-12 E-Learning
In 1923, the Deputy Minister of Education insisted that the Supervisor of Schools in Alberta, try an“education by mail” pilot project. The pilot was designed to serve 10 students who did not have a school to attend, but within the first year it was serving the needs of 100 students (Smith & Crichton, 2003). By 1926 there were over 900 students enrolled with the majority being Grade 1 students. By 1927 an additional 255 students joined, and for the first time the annual report made mention of a Correspondence Branch within the department of education. From 1923 – 1932 the Alberta Correspondence Branch was administered by a single staff member, while by 1932 there were two full-time administrators and four full-time teachers responsible for 2500 students from grades 1-8. When the Public School Act changed in 1939 to include grades 1 -12, the Alberta Correspondence Branch increased its scope . By 1940, the branch added radio content to its print materials. The move from radio supplemented lessons to second generation technology options continued with advancements in communication tools such as reliable and less expensive telephone coverage and audio and video cassettes (i.e., multimedia courses in a box) delivered by the mail (see Distance Education in Alberta Has Come A Long Way for a different telling of this story).
Innovations in third and fourth generation distance education were evidenced in the use of video conferencing for professional development and the sharing of teacher specialization expertise among schools (Andrews, 2005). By the 1990s, there were also several school district consortia that offered K-12 online learning programs in the province (Haughey & Fenwich, 1996), and from 1995 to 1999 there were 23 district-based online learning programs in operation (Muirhead, 1999). In fact, the first references to K-12 online learning in the academic literature were based on these district initiatives in Alberta. Over the next decade Alberta would continue to develop public and private district and multi-district programs, and by 2002-03 it was reported that Alberta continued to have the most students engaged in online learning (O’Haire, Froese-Germain, & Lane- De Baie, 2003). Throughout 2004-05, the Federation of Francophone School Boards of Alberta (FCSFA) negotiated with the Alberta Distance Learning Centre and the Ministry of Education to create a Virtual School in early 2005 (Center francophone d’éducation à distance, 2022). In the Fall of 2006, the FCSFA Virtual School had expanded to the point that it rebranded as the Center francophone d’éducation à distance (CFÉD).
In more recent years, there have been several consultation initiatives with respect to distance learning in the province. The first consultative process began in 2007 when the Ministry of Education reviewed K–12 distance education with the goal of developing a Distributed Learning Strategy. While there was a broad consultation process (including 1774 responses to an online survey, 60 interviews, 28 focus groups, and 21 site visits), that initiative appeared to be subsumed into a subsequent larger initiative. The Inspiring Action on Education initiative began in June 2010, with the release outlining the policy directions within the broader context of provincial government strategies and initiatives aimed at building a stronger future for Alberta. Public feedback occurred from June to October, followed by a series of Ministry-generated reports in December summarizing the responses. However, when the Government introduced a new Education Act in 2012, there was no reference to distributed, online or blended learning from these earlier consultations. The most recent consultations was an external initiative. In April 2012, Alberta Education contracted Schmidt and Carbol Consulting Group to conduct a province-wide review of distance education programs and services. The review, which concluded in early 2014, was not released to the public.
Andrews, K. (2005) Videoconferencing in Alberta: What are the benefits of videoconferencing in education? Alberta Education. https://education.alberta.ca/media/1224697/vcinabbrochure.pdf
Center francophone d’éducation à distance. (2022). Que sommes nous? https://cfed.ca/qui-sommes-nous
Haughey, M., & Fenwick, T. (1996). Issues in forming school district consortia to provide distance education: Lessons from Alberta. Journal of Distance Education, 11(1). http://www.ijede.ca/index.php/jde/article/view/242
Muirhead, B. (1999). The benefits of an online education consortium for Alberta. International Electronic Journal For Leadership in Learning, 3(4). http://www.acs.ucalgary.ca/~iejll/volume3/muirhead.html
O’Haire, N., Froese-Germain, B., & Lane-De Baie, S. (2003). Virtual education, real educators: Issues in online learning. The Canadian Teachers’ Federation.
Smith, R. D., & Crichton, S. (2003). Online learning in Alberta: Sustainability factors. Alberta Online Consortium.
- Funding Model for Online Learning (2022)
- Francophone Collaboration North of 60 (2019)
- Alberta Moodle HUB Group (2018)
- Dual Credit in Francophone Distance Learning (2017)
- Alberta Education Comes To The Table (2016)
- Coming to Alberta (2013)
- SCcyber E-learning Community (2013)
- Students in a Southern Distance Education Program (2013)
- Sunchild E-learning Community (2012)
- Argyll Centre (2009)
Brief Issue Papers
- Online Credit Recovery at the Alberta Distance Learning Centre (2017)
- First Nations High School Education on Canadian Reserves: An Alternative Approach (2013)
- Blended Learning in High School (2010)
Individual Program Survey Responses
Program | Most recent response | Medium | # of Students | # of Teachers | # of Courses |
Alberta Distance Learning Centre www.adlc.ca |
2018-19 | Online Correspondence |
~22, 000 | 82 full time 1 part time |
250 |
Argyll Centre argyll.epsb.ca/ |
2017-18 | Online Blended |
950 online 200 blended |
17 full time 4 part time 9 blended |
232 online 129 blended |
Black Gold Distance Learning Program Black Gold Virtual School BGSD Blended Learning moodle.blackgold.ca/ |
2021-22 | Online Blended |
315 (online) | 18 full time 21 part time 1 blended (part time) |
178 online (secondary) K-8 online 207 blended |
Black Gold Home-Based School | 2021-22 | Online Correspondence |
35 | 1 full time 4 part time |
72 |
CBe-learn www.cbelearn.ca |
2017-18 | Online | 5,599 (senior program) 177 (junior program) |
25 full time (senior program) 6 part time (senior program) 6 full time (junior program) |
52 (senior program) 18 (junior program) |
Centre for Alternative and Virtual Education virtual.aspenview.org/ |
2015-16 | Online Correspondence |
160 | 5 full time 4 part time |
80 |
Centre for Learning@Home albertahomeeducation.ca/ |
2019-20 | Online Correspondence |
2,250 | 52 full time 20 part time |
80 |
Centre francophone d’éducation à distance www.cfed.ca |
2021-22 | Online | 628 | 5 full time | 45 |
Golden Hills Learning Academy www.goldenhillslearningacademy.com/ |
2023 | Online Correspondence |
3,000 | 20 full time | All programs grade K-9 200+ secondary |
Hope Christian School Online hopechristian.plrd.ab.ca/ |
2023-24 | Online | 750 | 23 full time 2 part time |
150 |
Holy Family Cyberhigh www.hfcrd.ab.ca/cyb/ |
2010-11 | Online | 85 | 5 | 25 |
Ignite Centre for eLearning ignitecentre.ca/ |
2022-23 | Online | 563 | 6 full time 4 part time |
All programs grade K-9 63 secondary |
Learn Together Anywhere www.nlpsab.ca/programs/learning-together-anywhere |
2020-21 | Online | 300 | 13 full time 4 part time |
275 |
LRSD Pursuits Virtual School www.lrsdvirtualschool.ca/ |
2023-24 | Online | 374 | 6 full time 3 part time |
100 |
NorthStar Academy Canada www.northstaracademycanada.org |
2022-23 | Online Correspondence |
1420 | 16 full time 11 part time |
178 |
Palliser Beyond Borders www. |
2021-22 | Online Blended |
1052 online 86 blended |
5 full time 4 part time 4 blended |
50 online |
Prairie Adventist Christian eSchool pacescanada.org |
2023 | Online | 180 | 10 full time 1 part time |
All programs grade K-12 |
Peace Academy of Virtual Education www.pwsd76.ab.ca/schools/Pave/Pages/default.aspx |
2016-17 | Online Correspondence |
80 | 2 full time 4 part time |
RDCRS Online rdcrs.schoology.com |
2023-24 | Online Blended |
1,500 online 1,000 blended |
6 full time 6 blended |
50 online 30 blended |
Rocky View Schools Community Learning Centre rvsclc.rockyview.ab.ca |
2021-22 | Online Blended |
200 online 2000 blended |
8 full time 7 blended |
20 |
SSCcyber E-learning Community www.sccyber.net |
2022-23 | Online | 250 | 1 full time 5 part time |
100+ |
School of Hope schoolofhope.org |
2019-20 | Online | 492 | 16 full time 2 part time |
120 |
St. Anne Online High School stanne.cssd.ab.ca/st-anne-online |
2020-21 | Online Correspondence |
1,500 | 47 full time | ~60 |
St. Gabriel Education Centre www.stgabe.gsacrd.ab.ca/ |
2021-22 | Online Blended |
222 online 100 blended |
6 full time 1 part time 3 blended |
75 online 6 blended |
St. Isidore Learning Centre silc.eics.ab.ca/ |
2020-21 | Online Correspondence |
~1,500 | 15 full time 1 part time |
All programs grade 1-12 |
St. Paul Alternate Education Centre www.spaec.ca |
2018-19 | Online Correspondence Blended |
83 distance 10 blended |
6 full time 1 part time 10 blended |
95-100 distance 10 blended |
Vista Virtual School vvschool.ca |
2021-22 | Online | 10,000 | 41 full time 1 part time |
Several hundred |
Wolf Creek Public School | 2021-22 | Online/Hybrid | 70 |
To update this information, visit http://tinyurl.com/sotn-program-survey
Inter-provincial and International
If a student takes a course from another province, territory, or country the student will receive a report card from the school authority providing the course. If the student wishes to receive credit for the course the process for applying to receive transfer credit is described in the “Awarding Course Credits” section of the Guide to Education: ECS to Grade 12 and an equivalency to an Alberta course is provided.
It is the expectation of the Ministry of Education that school authorities will focus on providing programming to Alberta students and out-of-province students who physically come to Alberta to learn. Alberta Education does not provide funding for out-of-province students unless they are residents of Alberta and maintain a home in Alberta with the intention of returning to the province. It is the practice of the Ministry to not provide services to students in other countries without a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the two governing authorities. Alberta has established a number of MOUs, enabling the establishment of accredited out-of-province schools that use Alberta’s programs of study and employ Alberta certificated teachers. In examining the list of international schools currently approved none appear to provide distance education service.