Please join us for iNACOL’s upcoming April webinar presentations:
iNACOL Leadership Webinar Series | April 10th | 2:00p – 3:00p ET
Online Teacher Training Programs: Pedagogy and Strategies
Engaging students in an online course is more than knowing how to log onto the course management system. Teachers are the key to facilitating effective student learning. Reaching students online, communicating effectively, and motivating student learning are all components of comprehensive online teacher training programs across the United States. Boise State University, the EdTech Leaders Online Program, and California’s Leading Edge Alliance are three programs training teachers to be successful in student-centered online environments. Take part in iNACOL’s April Leadership Series webinar to learn from a panel of online teacher training innovators and explore the critical components including the pedagogy and strategy. ( Register)
iNACOL Research in Review Webinar Series | April 16th | 3:00p – 4:00p ET
Understanding Quest-Based Learning: Creating effective learner experiences through game-based mechanics and community
Faculty at Boise State have built and are researching a digital learning system built on game-based elements including quests, experience points, badges, achievements, leveling, and student choice. The presentation will demonstrate the tool, pedagogy, and share the results of a year-long Design-Based Research project. Quest-based learning, an instructional design theory, will also be discussed. This theory leverages game mechanics and gamer-like learning communities to support student choice within the curriculum and offers promising pedagogical possibilities in the area. The paper notes, “Individuals in our modern, digital society interact with tools that offer more affective forms of interaction and feedback. Digital games and social networks allow for a personal, self-paced, and adaptive experience…Games frequently offer multiple pathways, personalized rather than comparative progress tracking, recognition of progress and success through badges and achievements, and allow participants to fail without lasting punishment.” ( Register)
iNACOL Special Edition Webinar Series | April 17th | 3:00p – 4:00p ET
2012 State of the Nation: K-12 Online Learning in Canada
This panel presentation will focus on the 2012 State of the Nation – the fifth annual survey of K-12 distance education in Canada. This year’s report documents similar trends in the regulation of K-12 distance education from previous years (e.g., British Columbia continues to have the most extensive regulatory regime, as well as the highest level of activity). The 2011-12 school year also saw some shifts in the level of K-12 online and distance learning in many provinces (although some of that may be attributed to better, more reliable record keeping). Further, Canadian teachers’ unions continue their cautious support of the use of distance education in the K-12 environment, and many have taken an active role in examining the nature of K-12 online distance education and what it means for their members and how they can ensure providing a quality education remains the focus. All thirteen provinces and territories continue to use distance education within their K-12 systems, although in many instances the method of delivery is still using print-based materials. At present K-12 distance education enrolment is estimated to be approximately 244,000 students. This panel will unpack some of these trends and provide some specific examples from panelist located in difference provinces and territories. ( Register)
iNACOL Teacher Talk Webinar Series | April 18th | 6:00p – 7:00p ET
A Conversation with the National Online Teacher of the Year
The National Online Teacher of the Year (NOTY) is a partnership between the International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL) and the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) that began in 2010. Renee Citlau, an online educator in the Anaheim (CA) Unified School District, was awarded the 2013-14 National Online Teacher of the Year at a banquet in March. Renee develops and teaches various business education courses, and believes that online learning improves student engagement, increases equity in course offerings, and develops the 21st century skills students need in order to compete in a global economy. She provides ongoing support and training to online teachers in curriculum development, online technology, and online instructional strategies. Join this webinar to learn about Renee’s journey as an online educator and the attributes that caused Renee to be named the 2013 National Online Teacher of the Year. ( Register)
Other information of interest:
Necessary for Success: A State Policymakers Guide to Competency Education is an opportunity for state leaders to reflect upon the efforts of contemporaries around the country, Necessary for Success shares insights into re-engineering the policy and practices of our K-12 systems; introduces the main concepts behind competency-based learning; studies important initial steps taken by states in introducing this emerging model; and considers creating a culture of competency within state agencies. ( Download)
Re-Engineering Information Technology: Design Considerations for Competency Education analyzes and examines components and elements of effective competency-based information systems. Based on interviews and research, the ideas in Re-Engineering Information Technology build upon the lessons learned in analyzing information systems developed by competency education innovators, best practices of systemic approaches to information management, and emerging opportunities. ( Download)
Plugged In, a daily email digest of online and blended learning, edtech, and industry news and trends compiled by the International Association for K-12 Online Learning…
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