Souris Regional High School
Souris Regional High School is a grade 8-12 school with a current enrolment of approximately 250 students. With the support of the Prince Edward Island Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, the school has been offering distance education for a number of years. The courses are delivered in an asynchronous environment in partnership with New Brunswick Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. Students are selected as candidates for distance education based on the following policy:
Grade 12 students will be considered for Distance Education based on a number of factors: academic performance, student timetable, graduation requirements, and suitability.
Making an appropriate pairing of student abilities and interests to a distance education course is the key to success. Over the years, our students have enrolled in a variety of courses, but have the greatest success with courses in the areas of Writing and Social Studies. One of the requirements in making a course selection for a student is determining if the course has received approval and an equivalency from the PEI DEECD. For example, “World Issues 120” is the New Brunswick equivalent of Geography 621A. As such, the completed credit appears on the student’s transcript as GEO621A.
We are also careful to acknowledge the strengths and skills of our professional teaching staff within the physical space in the building. When a highly trained teacher is available in the building to teach Geo 621, then there is no need for a student to take the same course through a distance education course.
The very best use of distance education is to supplement a current schedule, which is not in harmony with the academic needs of a graduating student. For the strong student who needs all academic courses in Math, |
Social Studies, Sciences, English, French and Band, they will find that the current schedule accommodates them. However, if they have a post-secondary interest in trades they may need the flexibility of replacing the social studies course with a live hands-on course in their schedule and a distance education Social Studies course.