Les documents de référence sur des questions ou défis sont conçus pour examiner un éventail de questions actuelles et pertinentes à la conception, à la prestation, au soutien et à la réglementation de toutes les formes d’apprentissage en ligne de la maternelle à la 12e année au Canada.
- Distance Learning and the Quebec Karounis Decision [En anglais]
- Ontario Policy/Program Memorandum 167 – Mandatory eLearning [En anglais]
- Online Learning Changes in British Columbia [En anglais]
- Making Ontario Canada’s Leader In Online Learning In Secondary Schools [En anglais]
- State of the Nation: Online and Digital Learning in Canadian Post-Secondary Institutions [En anglais]
- Online Credit Recovery at the Alberta Distance Learning Centre [En anglais]
- Improving Professional Development for Teachers – A Grassroots Solution [En anglais]
- An Online Private School’s Relationship with the Ontario Ministry of Education [En anglais]
- The Story of StudyForge [En anglais]
- Canadian eLearning Network (CANeLearn) [En anglais]
- Open Learning and MOOCs in Canadian K-12 Online and Blended Learning Environments [En anglais]
- BC Teachers’ Federation Research on the Work of Distributed Learning Teacher [En anglais]
- Putting Theory into Practice: Flexible Learning and Course Development at VirtualHighSchool.com [En anglais]
- Issues Related to Funding FMNI Online Learning Programmes [En anglais]
- The Use of ICTs and E-learning in Indigenous Education [En anglais]
- First Nations High School Education on Canadian Reserves: An Alternative Approach [En anglais]
- British Columbia’s International Online Learning Initiative [En anglais]
- Teaching and Learning through e-Learning: A New Additional Qualification Course for the Teaching Profession [En anglais]
- Waves Across the Oceans [En anglais]
- Importing K-12 Online Learning into Canada [En anglais]
- The Development of Graduate Certificate in Online Teaching and Learning [En anglais]
- Killick Centre for E-Learning Research [En anglais]
- Teacher Education and Preparation for Leading Online Learning [En anglais]
- Distributed Learning Funding in British Columbia [En anglais]
- Independent Schooling in British Columbia [En anglais]
- Online Professional Development in the Remote Networked Schools (Quebec) [En anglais]
- Keewaytinook Internet High School: Moving First Nation Students ahead with Technology in Ontario’s Remote North [En anglais]
- Blended Learning in High School [En anglais]
- British Columbia’s Quality Framework for Distributed Learning [En anglais]
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