There is lots to be said about the challenges that come with teaching in a rural setting or in a minority language setting when it comes to availability of resources, teaching assignments, classroom sizes, extracurricular activities and so on. Francophone Education, guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom, is present in all provinces and territories. There are three francophone school authorities in the territories operating a total of six schools or programs.
In 2014, Centre francophone d’éducation à distance (CFÉD) created its own infrastructure and was in a position to explore and expand its own partnership with Commission scolaire francophone des Territoires du Nord-Ouest (CSFTNO). Previously the partnership fell under a Service Agreement between both ministries in charge of Education and the services offered by the Alberta Distance Learning Centre (ADLC). At that time, all fees and services were managed by ADLC. So, in 2014 CFÉD, negotiated a new Service Agreement strictly between CFÉD’s assigned board, Conseil scolaire Centre-Est (CSCE) and CSFTNO. The new agreement also followed the CFÉD funding cycle and required renewal after each funding cycle. The agreement included details and fees pertaining to the Contractual Service, where a CFÉD teacher provided instruction, and pertaining to the Teaching Support Service, where online courses were provided to classroom teachers and their students.
In 2016, Commission scolaire francophone du Yukon (CSFY) and CFÉD’s leadership developed a similar partnership. Unlike the Northwest Territories, which uses the Alberta program of studies, Yukon uses the British Colombia program of studies. Accordingly, additional language was added to the agreement regarding registrations and credits. CFÉD also offers its Teaching Support Program to CSFY teachers and students. Finally, in 2018 a third partnership, similar to the one with CSFTNO, was established with Commission scolaire francophone du Nanavut (CSFN).