Population: 45,605 Number of K-12 Schools: 49 Number of K-12 Students: 8,700 — Number of K-12 Distance Learning Programs: 2 Number of K-12 Distance Learning Students: 172 |
Note that these profiles are taken from the most recent edition of the report, please review additional annual profiles below.
Governance and Regulation
The current Education Act, 2009 allows various educational bodies to “authorize, supervise and evaluate the use of distance learning programs in the provision of the education program” (p. 72). The Department of Education, Culture and Employment defines distance learning as the deliberate use of the Internet, the world wide web, and landlines to leverage communication tools, learning management systems, and resources to overcome geographic obstacles to accessing brick and mortar courses, disciplinary expertise, and student cohort formation. The Department has a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Vista Virtual School (operated by Pembina Hills) to also serve students from the Northwest Territories.
Additionally, section 3.3 of the Northwest Territories School Handbook outlines a series of requirements that schools must adhere to in order to participate in distance learning, including: having a dedicated online facilitator, scheduled distance learning time in student timetables, a plan for students to complete courses in a timely manner, and access to additional relevant resources.
The Northwest Territories 10-year education renewal process (called Education Renewal and Innovation) and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action created the rationale for a territorial distance learning program for small community high schools with an emphasis on equitable learning conditions, synchronous and relational, as similar as possible to face-to-face opportunities students enjoy in schools in larger centers. The government’s distance learning solution, called Northern Distance Learning, is a partnership with the Beaufort Delta Divisional Education Council. Northern Distance Learning is expected to continue advancing the government’s priorities and commitments. Currently, Northern Distance Learning is undergoing a formal evaluation.
K-12 Distance and Online Learning Activity
Northern Distance Learning teachers are based in Inuvik. Students from up to 21 other schools access daily high school programming in a 5 block schedule with the help of a local support person(s) Students interact with teachers and classmates through videoconferencing and use of a learning management system on devices provided by the program. During the 2023-24 school year 90 students were enrolled in 279 Northern Distance Learning courses.
Additionally, during the 2023-24 school year there were 82 grade 7-12 students enrolled in distance learning courses offered through the Vista Virtual School (operated by Pembina Hills School Division in Alberta).
K-12 Blended Learning Activity
The Department of Education, Culture and Employment defines blended learning as a formal education program where students learn in part through online delivery of content and instruction, and in part in a brick and mortar setting. This definition is consistent with the study’s description of online distance learning, and, accordingly, consistent with the Northern Distance Learning as discussed in the previous section.
There were no additional data related to blended learning provided.
Previous Territorial Profiles
History of K-12 E-Learning
The Northwest Territories (NWT) have always had close secondary and post-secondary ties to Alberta. Since mid-2000 the NWT had used the Alberta Distance Learning Centre versions of their secondary courses for high school students who did not have access to these courses in their small community high schools, or have schedule conflicts in their brick and mortar settings.
In 2011, the Beaufort Delta Education Council (a regional board of education known as ‘BDEC’) took the initiative to bring high school programming to some remote communities through use of teleconferencing and email files. This approach was chosen because the bandwidth to those communities was at dial-up speed. Within just a few years the technology and bandwidth improved enough to include screen sharing with telephone audio.
Concurrent with these efforts, the Department of Health and Social Services in partnership with the Federal Government developed the use of videoconferencing units for tele-speech service in each community with units deployed in both the school and health centers. This involved improvements to the NWT’s digital community network (DCN) and the purchasing of a video bridge service.
BDEC decided to make greater use of the videoconferencing units to better develop the relationships between all participants in the distance learning program. With the units online all day long for classes, it was determined quite quickly that the DCN could not sustain the video quality of service required for ongoing use in this fashion.
Since 2011, BDEC has been partnering with the Department of Education Culture and Employment to develop their ‘elearning’ program. In 2013, BDEC decided to purchase the use of an external network that could meet the demands of day-long synchronous learning. The network facilitates live ‘face to face relationship building’ communications through the facilitation of a local support person dedicated full time to students at each participating site. All courses, learning materials and resources are managed through the learning management system Moodle. The five participating boards of education have agreed to harmonize their calendars during this pilot.
- Building ‘Presence’ in Northern Distance Learning Program (2019)
- Francophone Collaboration North of 60 (2019)
- NWT Northern Distance Learning Program (2018)
- Northern Distance Learning Pilot Initiative (2017)
- The Beaufort Delta Education Council eLearning Program In Partnership With Northwest Territories Department Of Education, Culture And Employment (2016)
- The Beaufort Delta Education Council Distance Education Program (2012)
- Beaufort-Delta Education Council E-Learning Program (2011)
Individual Program Survey Responses
Program | Most recent response | Medium | # of Students | # of Teachers | # of Courses |
Northern Distance Learning moodle.bdec.learnnet.nt.ca |
2018-19 | Online | 72 | 8 part time | 16 |
To update this information, visit http://tinyurl.com/sotn-program-survey
Inter-territorial and International
If a student in the Northwest Territories were to take a distance education course from any provider in the Province of Alberta it would be accepted by the Department of Education, Culture and Employment as the territories follow the Alberta curriculum. However, if the student were to complete a distance education course from any other jurisdiction it would have to be evaluated by a “Special Cases” committee before credit could be granted.
Students from outside of the Northwest Territories are not eligible to enroll in the territories’ distance education programs.