Just over two years ago, a series of news items about an online elementary school in Manitoba caught our attention (see K-12 Online Learning at the Elementary Level).  However, over the past few days we’ve seen new articles about the full-time online learning Manitoba Remote Learning Support Centre, and the news is not good.

Province faces backlash over virtual school closure

WINNIPEG — Manitoba Education was bombarded with emails decrying the province’s February decision to close its virtual elementary school without consultation — and calls for a different outcome have yet to quiet.

“With all of the lost learning during COVID, I am shocked this would happen,” one user wrote in a recent message to Education Minister Wayne Ewasko.

“I find it curious that you are running a campaign on preventing student absenteeism, when you had a program that helped this issue. In my eyes — this really shows you don’t care about kids,” another email states.

To continue reading, visit https://www.brandonsun.com/local/2023/04/27/province-faces-backlash-over-virtual-school-closure

Turning our backs on kids

MANITOBA Education was bombarded with emails decrying the province’s February decision to close its virtual elementary school without consultation — and calls for a different outcome have yet to quiet.

“With all of the lost learning during COVID, I am shocked this would happen,” one user wrote in a recent message to Education Minister Wayne Ewasko.

“I find it curious that you are running a campaign on preventing student absenteeism when you had a program that helped this issue. In my eyes — this really shows you don’t care about kids,” another email states.

To continue reading, visit https://ca.style.yahoo.com/turning-backs-kids-032007861.html

Basically, the Ministry of Education has decided to shut down the Manitoba Remote Learning Support Centre at the end of the current school year.  So there will be no option for students in grades one to eight to learn fully online in the province for 2023-24.

K-12 Online Learning at the Elementary Level – Update

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