Several vignettes have been written for this 10th anniversary edition of the State of the Nation: K-12 e-Learning in Canada to showcase the innovation and successes seen in many provincial programs across Canada. The vignettes, while presented within a provincial context, have applicably across the country and beyond. A brief synopsis of each of the seven vignettes along with links to the full publication are provided in this section.

In Newfoundland and Labrador, the Centre Distance Learning and Innovation (CDLI) has created a support program that includes individual student support through an eCounsellor, online tutoring, as well as resources for student wellness, study tips, along with scholarship and job searches. In her vignette, Janice Roswell, Guidance Counsellor for CDLI, provides an overview of her role in personally supporting learners, working strategically with school counsellors in the development of programs and resources to support the needs of students with medical issues, and her role in supervising the post-secondary tutors providing one-on-one support for online learners. Read more at

In Alberta, the Centre francophone d’éducation à distance (CFÉD) describes how they determined a way to engage in the Provincial Dual Credit Program for their small group of francophone online students. The challenges faced by a program offering online and asynchronous course delivery compared to other dual credit programs that offer courses designed for the typical classroom environment had restricted dual credit options previously for CFÉD. Through an innovative design approach and partner, three cohorts of students have taken advantage of the Child Care Certificate dual credit pathway provided the CFÉD in partnership with Lakeland College. This success has led to the exploration of additional dual credit partners and programs. Read more at

The announcement of the creation of a Task Force on Distributed Learning by the British Columbia Teachers Federation (BCTF) has garnered the interest of more than just the educators in British Columbia. Larry Kuehn, Director of Research and Technology for the BCTF, provides both background and rationale for the creation of the task force and what it hopes to accomplish as the teachers head into another round of bargaining for the teacher’s provincial collective agreement. Read more at

In a vignette from the Aurora Virtual School (AVS), Yukon’s only distributed learning program, the school shares feedback from its recent student survey probing program successes and limitations. AVS offers a virtual cohort model that is a hybrid of a blended learning model. Students enrolled in the program share their impressions of their progress and value of the program. Read more at

Northwest Territories’ (NWT) Northern Distance Learning Pilot Initiative (NDL) is explored in this article from the NWT Department of Education. The NDL pilot is a partnership between the Beaufort Delta Education Council and Department of Education to provide students an opportunity to pursue academic courses not available to them in their small communities, and to foster agency in those students. The pilot is expanding to other schools and NWT boards of education. Read more at

The Nunavut Arctic College and Nunavut Department of Education PASS Program was designed to reach nearly 200 adult students who required only their grade 12 English course credit to receive their high school graduation diploma. With most of these students and adults out of reach of the traditional classroom and actively engaged in work in their local communities, an innovative program was required. The PASS Program provides these learners with a laptop computer, modem to access the Internet, and all the course materials required for an English 12 credit to work independently from home. In addition, students are supported by a dedicated online teacher. Read more at

Keewaytinook Internet High School (KiHS) is an independent, online secondary school located in Northwestern Ontario that offers a unique classroom environment not found elsewhere in Canada. Core components of the KiHS program are the situated learning centres found in each partner community. These learning centres provide on-site learning resources and support for students with one mentor (qualified teacher) assisting students from grades 9 to 12 in all subject areas. Although lessons are delivered online, Elders and community members are often invited to be involved in face-to-face instruction with students. Read more at

2017 Vignettes

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