Our next CIDER session
2010 State of the Nation: K-12 Online Learning in Canada Facilitator: Dr. Michael BarbourInstitution: Wayne State UniversityDate and time: Dec 01, 2010 11:00 AM Mountain Time (Canada)This presentation will focus on the 2010 State of the Nation – the third annual survey of K-12 distance education in Canada. This year’s report documents similar trends in the regulation of K-12 distance education from previous years (e.g., British Columbia continues to have the most extensive regulatory regime). Additionally, Canadian teachers’ unions continue their cautious support of the use of distance education in the K-12 environment. All thirteen provinces and territories continue to use distance education within their K-12 systems, although in many instances the method of delivery is still using print-based materials. At present K-12 distance education enrolment is estimated to be between 150,000 and 175,000 students. This presentation will unpack some of these trends and expand upon each of the provincial and territorial profiles.
The link to this session will be posted closer to the session start time (11am Mountain Time, Canada). To see what time that is in your location, please check the World Time Clock link below.
Session Start Time – World Time Clock
Note that information on all up-coming CIDER sessions are available at http://cider.athabascau.ca/CIDERSessions/