More than a week ago, I got the following mention in Twitter:

This is actually a topic that I’ve discussed in the past on my Virtual School Meanderings blog, but never in a specific manner (i.e., various entries on the topic, but nothing that brings it all together).  So I promised Angela that I would post an entry last week about this, but the week just got away from me.

To the best of my knowledge there are four aboriginal focused K-12 online learning programs in Canada:

  1. Keewaytinook Internet High School (Ontario)
  2. Wapaskwa Virtual Collegiate (Manitoba)
  3. Credenda Virtual School (Saskatchewan)
  4. Sunchild E-Learning Community (Alberta)

In the past I have posted entries about reports that have been published focused on these programs:

In addition, the last two editions of the State of the Nation: K-12 Online Learning in Canada reports have included content related to these aboriginal programs.

  • 2010 edition
    • Brief Issue Paper – Keewaytinook Internet High School: Moving first Nation Students ahead with Technology in Ontario’s Remote North (pp. 14-17)
    • Vignette – Wapaskwa Virtual Collegiate (p. 46)
    • Vignette – Credenda Virtual High School (p. 48)
  • 2009 edition
    • Vignette – Keewaytinook Internet High School (p. 30)

Beyond these four programs, there have been several publications and presentations focused upon the provision of K-12 distance education primarily to an aboriginal population in Canada:

These are all of the K-12 online learning resources focused on Canada’s aboriginal population that I am aware of.  For those who have a more direct involvement in this community, am I missed any?

Also, for my readers south of the 49th parallel, are there any K-12 online learning programs or resources in the United States specifically focused on Native Americans?  I am aware of the Fort Washakie High School (FWHS)/Wyoming e-academy of Virtual Education (WeAVE), but that is really the only one that immediately comes to mind.

Aboriginal Focused Programs in Canada

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