Our friends at CIDER are looking for presenters for their 2016-17 schedule. If you have Canadian distance, online and/or blended learning research to present, please contact them.

CIDER Sessions: Call for Presenters 2016/17
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CIDER Sessions: Call for Presenters

2016/17 Season

As we begin our 2016/17 season of CIDER Sessions, we invite researchers working in distance, distributed, online, or blended education to present in our ongoing monthly seminar series.

The Canadian Initiative for Distance Education Research (CIDER) is a research initiative of the International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning (IRRODL) and the Centre for Distance Education (CDE), Canada’s largest graduate and professional distance education programming provider, at Athabasca University, Canada’s Open University.

The CIDER Sessions are an online, open and free seminar series where researchers or research groups can present their work to a broad audience of fellow researchers, practitioners, and students from across Canada and around the world. Sessions are typically held on the firstWednesday of each month from 11am-noon Mountain time, though some exceptions may be possible to accommodate the presenter’s time zone. Presented through Adobe Connect, they are one hour in length, including questions from the audience, and are recorded, archived, and distributed through the CIDER site, at:


A small number of spots may be available for students nearing completion of their dissertation or thesis. International presenters are welcome; all presentations are held in English.

If you have recent research for our CIDER audience and would like to present in this season’s series, please contact Dan Wilton atdwilton@athabascau.ca with a brief description of your research topic and approximate date when it will be available for presentation.

Dan Wilton
CIDER Sessions coordinator and host
Athabasca University

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CIDER Sessions: Call for Presenters

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