Under the “About” section of this website it is noted that:
…the State of the Nation: K-12 E-Learning in Canada is based on a similar study from the United States (i.e., Keeping Pace with K-12 Digital Learning: An Annual Review of Policy and Practice).
In fact, the US-based Keeping Pace study from Evergreen Education Group began with an abbreviated version of the report in 2004 that was funded by the North Central Regional Education Laboratories, then it began publishing annually based on sponsorships from a variety of K-12 online learning providers and corporate entities. In a similar fashion, the State of the Nation study began with an abbreviated version of the report in 2008 that was funded by the North American Council for Online Learning (later the International Association for K-12 Online Learning or iNACOL, and now the Aurora Institute), then it began publishing annually based on sponsorships from a variety of K-12 online learning providers and corporate entities (mostly based in the US until around 2012).
After 13 years of annual reports spanning from 2004 to 2016, the Keeping Pace with K-12 Digital Learning stopped publishing. Three years later, the Evergreen Education Group had created a membership-based organization entitled the Digital Learning Collaborative, had begun hosting a Digital Learning Annual Conference, and began publishing annual Snapshot reports. In each of the Snapshot reports that have been released, the forward includes some version of this text:
From 2004 to 2016, the Evergreen Education Group (Evergreen) published a series of annual Keeping Pace reports. The reports, which were sponsored by a range of organizations, including school districts, state agencies, non-profit organizations, and companies, provided reviews of practice and policy for the field of K–12 online, blended, and digital learning. Some of the reports included planning guides designed to help educators in the field with the establishment and growth of their digital programs.
In 2017 and 2018, Evergreen did not publish the annual report, as Evergreen and key partner organizations considered how to maintain the overall goal of Keeping Pace—to provide the foundational information that the field requires—while shifting to a new digital-first, financially sustainable model.
Now in 2019, Keeping Pace has returned within the umbrella of a new membership group and a new annual conference.
The digital-first aspect of our current reporting is still evolving. Our intent is that this annual report will provide a snapshot that will be shorter than previous Keeping Pace annual reports, and the DLC website will contain updated information throughout the year. This report should be seen as the annual snapshot version of the information on the DLC site, informed by and supporting the conversations that take place at DLAC. (Digital Learning Collaborative, 2019, p. 2)
The 2022 State of the Nation: K-12 e-Learning in Canada annual report will represent the fifteenth annual report. As we begin the data collection cycle for this report fifteenth annual report, we want to ask our partners, stakeholders, and reader…
What should the 2023 State of the Nation: K-12 e-Learning in Canada study look like?
After fifteen years of publication, which have included some major revisions to the format of the report (see the History of the State of the Nation: K-12 e-Learning in Canada study for more specific details), how can we update the work that we do to continue its sustainability, while still providing the K-12 e-learning community with the information that it requires?
Digital Learning Collaborative. (2019). Snapshot 2019: A review of K-12 online, blended, and digital learning. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5a98496696d4556b01f86662/t/5df14341d5d15f7ed7bf8c93/1576092485377/DLC-KP-Snapshot2019.pdf