Please note the call for vignettes in this edition of the CANeLearn newsletter.

April 2015 Edition – online web version
Greetings all.  This message is being sent to all members and those who signed up for the he Canadian eLearning Network (CANeLearn) newsletter.  Please forward this email as appropriate as this week’s webinar in our CANeLearn members series is again open to everyone.

April 2015 Highlights (scroll down or click for additional details)


Scroll down for additional details…


BOLT – Blended and Online Learning and Teaching

April 27 Time: 1:00 pm Eastern

Presenters: Dr. Constance Blomgren, Dr. Marti Cleveland-Innes, Laurel Beaton


As ubiquitous access to technology increases in K-12 classrooms, a shift in the way in which learning is designed and delivered is beginning to materialize. In the K-12 education, technology enhanced learning, whether it is a version of blended or fully online is a growing and developing area of education. In 2012-2013, 10.3% of Alberta K-12 students took some form of distance education (Barbour, 2013). This trend will likely only increase in the future due to pressure from reduced budgets, changes to educational policy, increased access to technology, better understanding of connectivist approaches to learning and demand from learners.

As teachers begin to shift their classroom practice towards technology-enhanced learning in its variety of models and classifications, a need for deep understanding of the pedagogy, theory and practice of this type of learning has emerged. Because online and blended learning is complex and continues to evolve, a need for professional development for pre-service and in-service teachers within the K- 12 system has materialized.

The goal of the BOLT project is to provide an overview of the history of the PD collaboration, the development of curriculum, the implementation plans for 2015- 2020, and a discussion of research possibilities. Sign up at


Toward Flexible Learning Solutions in Canada: A Symposium for K-12 Blended and Online Learning Leaders

July 8 & 9, 2015

Halifax Regional School Board Offices 33 Spectacle Lake Drive, Dartmouth, NS B3B 1X7

Information and Registration here

The July 8th & 9th CANeLearn Summer Summit features:

  • Dr. Randy LaBonte, CEO, Canadian eLearning Network (CANeLearn), and adjunct professor Vancouver Island University
  • Dr. Michael K Barbour, Director of Doctoral Studies, Isabelle Farrington College of Education, and Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership Sacred Heart University
  • Verena Roberts, Researcher, Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium & Teacher, Palliser Beyond Borders School
  • Sue Taylor-Foley, Acting Executive Director Education Innovation, Programs and Services, Nova Scotia Department of Education
  • Leadership Panel from across Canada
  • Open dialogue and group discussion on emerging trends in K-12 blended and online learning
  • Planned networking opportunities throughout the event…

Registration is free but limited. Click here to register (required). Deadline to register is June 30!


blendED 2015: Alberta’s Blended and Online Symposium

October 25-27, 2015 West Edmonton


EdTech Open Workshops

Apr.27-May 8, 2015 Online

  • Build an Online/Blended Course: From A-Z

May 15-29, 2015 Online

  • Mastering your Moodle – Taming the Beast

Other sessions upcoming



Call for vignettes for State of the Nation: K-12 Blended and Online Learning in Canada

  • The Canadian eLearning Network is compiling data on blended and online learning programs across Canada
  • If you have a story or unique program you would like to profile (like the Navigate program featured above), email us at

Reviewers Needed

  • Jason Siko is looking for teachers, administrators, and researchers to review a series of modules that promote readiness skills in online learning. These modules were developed to align with the Educational Success Prediction Instrument (ESPRI), a survey that examines student beliefs in four areas: technology use/self-efficacy, academic risk-taking, organization, and achievement. Various studies using the ESPRI have found that it has an 80-90% accuracy rate in determining student success (i.e., pass vs. fail) in online and blended courses (see references below). There are four modules: one for each of the four areas of concern in the ESPRI. In theory, students could take the ESPRI, and low scores in one or more of the areas would alert an online teacher or facilitator to encourage the student to work through the appropriate modules. However, any student could be encouraged to work through any or all of the modules. At this point, Jason is looking for feedback from experts in K-12 online and blended education.
  • If you are interested, please contact Jason at Jason will set you up with a student account so that you can view the modules as a student would and attempt the tasks associated with each module. Upon completion of each module, a survey will appear allowing you to provide feedback. Those who successfully provide feedback on all four modules will be entered into a drawing for a small prize.



Applications for OLTD now being accepted for September 2015.

  • VIU (Vancouver Island University) Graduate Diploma in Online Learning and Teaching (OLTD) Distance learning is one of BC’s educational growth areas and teachers with expertise in this rewarding field are in popular demand.
  • This innovative, two-year part-time, fully-online, 30 credit program, develops confident educators competent in the use of existing and emergent technologies to optimize online learning and teaching opportunities for diverse learners in equally diverse environments.
  • Students will explore theory and its practical applications based on research, as well as current and emergent practices.
  • Applications for September 2015 are now being accepted.
  • Program information: 
  • Apply Online:
[REPOST] Online PD April 27 – Upcoming CANeLearn Events – April CANeLearn News Update

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