In the past month (or since our last update on the situation in Saskatchewan), there have been several developments.  First, an announcement from the Government of Saskatchewan.

Released on March 1, 2023Course options for students are now available at the new Saskatchewan Distance Learning Corporation (Sask DLC) website as students and career counsellors begin planning class schedules for the 2023-24 school year. The course catalogue can be found at DLC will offer more than 180 online courses for Kindergarten to Grade 12 students, including more than 120 high school courses with unique electives such as Animation, Astronomy, Paleontology, IT Fundamentals, Equine Studies, and Interior Design and Decorating, among others. Sask DLC will use the Moodle platform and has ready to use educational resources for students and teachers including instructional videos and lesson plans.To continue reading, please visit

The media reaction was fairly positive, given all of the earlier questions about the Government’s new online program.

Distance Learning Corporation course catalogue now available

Written by Shawn SlaghtThursday, Mar 02 2023, 5:00 AM – Discover Moose Jaw

A course catalogue for the new Saskatchewan Distance Learning Corporation’s (Sask DLC) virtual school is now available online.

More than 180 courses will be offered online for Kindergarten to Grade 12 students, including over 120 high school courses. Some of the more unique courses include animation, astronomy, paleontology, IT fundamentals, equine studies, and interior design and decorating.

Students with questions about the courses or access to local support can contact Sask DLC which will work with local school divisions to meet those needs.

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Paleontology, Equine Studies, Forensic Science among class options for Sask. Distance Learning Corp.

David Prisciak – CTV News Regina Digital Content Producer

The newly created Saskatchewan Distance Learning Corporation (Sask. DLC) announced its course options and plans for staffing for the 2023-2024 school year on March. 1.

Curriculum for Grades K-9 will consist of courses such as; English Language Arts (ELA), Math, Science, Social Studies, Health, Art, Phys. Ed, Practical and Applied Arts (PAA) Pathways (Gr 7-9), the crown outlined on its website.

For Grades 10-12, 120 courses will be offered with electives such as paleontology, forensic science, animation, equine studies, and IT fundamentals being available.

All curriculum from Grades K-12 will meet the Ministry of Education’s provincial standards, Sask. DLC’s website noted.

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However, some of the questions that we raised in earlier entries on these developments still exist, see:

As evidenced by this article from Discover Moose Jaw.

PSSD Director of Education hopes virtual school will open doors for students

Written by Shawn SlaghtThursday, Mar 09 2023, 12:00 PM

Offering over 180 online courses, Prairie South School Division director of education Ryan Boughen is hopeful that the new Saskatchewan Distance Learning Corporation (Sask DLC) will open doors for students regardless of where they are living.

Prairie South School Division played a role in creating the blueprint for the Sask DLC virtual school. The school division has been running its own virtual school for years for students in Grades 1 to 12.

Boughen said the idea behind Prairie South’s virtual school was to give rural students at smaller schools the same opportunities that students in the city would have. He feels the Sask DLC is following a similar model.

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As more information becomes available, we’ll share it here.

Updating the Saskatchewan Situation

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