Well, first of all let me apologize. I’m supposed to be live blogging, using CoverItLive, the session on Keeping Pace with K-12 Online Learning: A Policy and Practice Review by John Watson and his colleagues. But instead I was contacted by Connections Academy with an opportunity.
As you may have noticed, the report NACOL A Snapshot State of the Nation Study: K-12 Online Learning in Canada was just released today. This report was one that NACOL I was looking for sponsorship to complete earlier this year and because we were unable to find any we had to do an abbreviated or snapshot version.
Anyway, we are looking for sponsorship for next year so that we can do a complete version of the study and Connections Academy without hours of the release of the 2008 report indicated that they were interested in being one of the sponsors. I’m sure that they (i.e., Connections Academy) and NACOL will begin to work out the details sometime after the Virtual School Symposium is over.
However, I wanted to announce this now and provide Connections Academy with the recognition of being the first to jump on this opportunity.
After the Virtual School Symposium is over I’ll be posting more on this and we are still looking for more sponsors to make sure the study is comprehensive in 2009.
In the meantime, I’ll be presenting the abbreviated version tomorrow (see Virtual Schooling in Canada: A Comprehensive Review of Provincial Policies and Activities – Michael Barbour & Robin Stewart) and you can view that presentation in real-time through UStream at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/virtual-schooling-in-canada at 11:00am Arizona time (which is three hours earlier than EST).
As a reminder, you can see all of the interactive aspects of the Virtual School Symposium at http://vss2008.wikispaces.com/