Population: 1,209,107
Number of K-12 Schools: 755
Number of K-12 Students: 195,582
Number of K-12 Distance Learning Programs: 20
Number of K-12 Distance Learning Students: 15,581

Note that these profiles are taken from the most recent edition of the report, please review additional annual profiles below.

Governance and Regulation

In December 2022, the Education Amendment Act, 2023 amended the Education Act, 1995 to define “online learning” as:

  • where the learning activities, including collaboration, sharing, communication and learning resources, between each of the pupils and the teacher are primarily done by means of the internet or any other digital platform; and,
  • that does not require pupils to be face-to-face with each other or with the teacher;
    • but does not include any learning that is excluded from this definition by regulation; (“apprentissage en ligne”). (Government of Saskatchewan, 2023a, p. 13)

The Education Amendment Act, 2023 also established, as well as outlined the powers and duties of, the Saskatchewan Distance Learning Corporation (Government of Saskatchewan, 2023b). This new Treasury Board Crown Corporation is responsible to oversee centralized online education in the province by operating like the head office and main hub for online education in the province.

Further, Saskatchewan separate school divisions, the Conseil des écoles fransaskoises and registered independent schools must submit an application form to the Ministry of Education to become an approved online learning provider. The application process ensures that school divisions follow a Provincial Quality Assurance Framework (Government of Saskatchewan, 2023c). The Saskatchewan Distance Learning Corporation and all approved online learning providers are subject to monitoring by the Ministry of Education. The monitoring process creates an accountability mechanism to ensure quality assurance related to online learning delivery. This new online learning model will be implemented in the 2023-24 school year.

In terms of funding, school divisions continue to be funded for operating expenses through the Prekindergarten to Grade 12 Education Funding Distribution Model. As with in-class learning in Saskatchewan, the new provincial online school will provide free education for its students up to the age of 22 once it begins operation. Adult learners aged 22 and older will have access to courses as well and will pay tuition for each course. Additionally, as part of the funding model, boards of education receive funding to support full-time online students attending the Saskatchewan Distance Learning Corporation online school or an approved school division-operated online school. Part-time online students are recognized for funding through the various components of the funding model, and enrolments are counted at their local school. School divisions are responsible for providing local support to full-time and part-time online students that reside within their boundaries (e.g., speech-language pathologists and educational psychology assessments, driver’s license training, graduation ceremonies and extra-curricular activities).

Beyond this new legislative environment, the Ministry of Education continues to track distance education/online learning enrolment and provincial online school information for Prekindergarten to Grade 12 through the Student Data System.

K-12 Distance and Online Learning Activity

As of 2023-24, there were 15 provincial schools in eight school divisions, one provincial school operated by the Saskatchewan Distance Learning Centre (SKDLC) as a Crown Corporation (which provides two offerings: a regular school year and a summer school), two independent schools, and four First Nation schools categorized as having online learning schools offering Prekindergarten to Grade 12 learning courses to Saskatchewan students. There were 15,581 unique students involved in K-12 distance education or online learning programs. This number is comprised of 4,795 students fully enrolled in a dedicated online school, 94 additional students experiencing schooling through distance learning facilitated by teachers in schools not dedicated to online learning, and 10,692 additional students who registered for at least one course delivered through distance learning.

K-12 Blended Learning Activity

Blended learning is a responsibility of school divisions, as such the Ministry does not monitor this activity.


Government of Saskatchewan.(2023a). Education Act, 1995, E-0.2. https://publications.saskatchewan.ca/#/products/487

Government of Saskatchewan.(2023b). Chapter 23 – The Education Amendment Act, 2023/Loi modificative de 2023 sur l’éducation. https://publications.saskatchewan.ca/#/products/121363

Government of Saskatchewan.(2023c). Quality assurance framework for K-12 online learning. https://publications.saskatchewan.ca/#/products/120344

 Previous Provincial Profiles

History of K-12 E-Learning

A history of the Saskatchewan Government Correspondence School, which was established in 1925, can be found in the Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan entry.  It is important to note that the copyright date of this publication is 2006, and the correspondence school no longer exists.

Since 2009, all distance online learning opportunities in both French and English in Saskatchewan have been delivered by school divisions and other accredited service providers such as independent schools and colleges. In that same year the Ministry closed the Technology Supported Learning Unit, which was responsible for the delivery of English distance education courses and the Ministry-run French Immersion Distance Education School, eCOLE.

Online distance education schools have been in operation in Saskatchewan since 1999 when the Saskatoon Catholic Cyber School first started offering classes online.  In Northern Saskatchewan, an online school was established by the Keewatin Career Development Corporation in 2001 as part of the “Headwaters Smart Communities Project.”  The Northern Lights School division also established an online school to provide learning service to remote students at approximately the same time.

In recent history, the delivery of distance education, online learning, and blended learning was guided by the Saskatchewan Technology in Education Framework (TEF), which outlined the roles and responsibilities of the education sector with regards to the use of technology in education. It contained a number of outcomes and indicators, in particular that:

  • school divisions ensure distance and online learning opportunities were available to students;
  • intra- and inter-school division learning opportunities were available to students with local support provided;
  • distance learners have success rates that are equivalent to students in traditional classroom environments; and,
  • assistive technology and technical support is available to students with intensive needs and/or school personnel supporting them.


Individual Program Survey Responses

Program Most recent response  Medium  # of Students  # of Teachers  # of Courses 
Chinook Cyber School
2016-17 Online
1010 5 full time
14 part time
Cyber Stone Virtual School
2019-20 Online 1073 5 full time
4 part time
Good Spirit School Division Distance Learning Centre
2011-12 Online 316 11 part time 17
Horizon School Division Distance Education
2018-19 Online
384 online 1 full time
12 part time
44 online
LSSD Virtual Distance & Blended Learning
2019-20 Online
200 online
1000 blended
8 part time
10 blended
2 online
30 blended
NorthEast School Division
2015-16 Online 628 13 part time 28
Northern Lights School Division
2021-22 Online 591 13 full time 32 secondary
Prairie South Virtual School
2021-22 Online
665 online
86 blended
2 full time
17 part time
2 blended
109 online
6 blended
Regina Catholic School Division Learning Online
2018-19 Online 891 18 part time 54
Regina Public Schools ITI/Online
2011-12 Blended 200* 4 part time* 4*
Saskatoon Catholic Cyber School
2021-22 Online
~3,000 online
~160 blended
15 full time
10 part time
9 blended
~130 online
~70 blended
Saskatoon Public Schools – Online Learning Centre
2011-12 Online 823 2 full time
9 part time
Saskatchewan Rivers Public Schools Online Campus
2014-15 Online
1020 online
105 blended
2 full time
3 part time
6 blended
34 online
6 blended
Sun West Distance Learning Centre
2021-22 Online
1,600 full time
3,000 part-time
300 blended
65 full time
8 part time
4 blended
186 distance
8 blended

* This data is for a blended program only.  It does not include the online program.

To update this information, visit http://tinyurl.com/sotn-program-survey

Inter-provincial and International

Should a student in Saskatchewan enroll in an online course from another province or country the credits would be assessed for equivalency.  If there was an equivalency with a Saskatchewan course, the student would be given a Standing Granted credit on their Saskatchewan Transcript for the purpose of enabling completion of Grade 12, but no mark would be given. The specific content of the course is not examined as part of this process. The Standing Granted designation is only given for courses that have been completed and successfully passed.  The Credit-Transfer-Guide outlines the process to have courses from other Canadian jurisdictions recognized.

It is ministry policy that Saskatchewan schools are not permitted to offer distance courses to students outside the province except in specific situations. Those situations would include where the student has lived in Saskatchewan but is now temporarily out of the province; those students would be able to register for distance courses while they are away.