The inaugural Digital Learning Annual Conference will be held in Austin on April 1-3, 2019.  The complete conference agenda listing the presentations and speakers has been announced and the recent Funding and Resourcing of Distributed Learning in Canada special report that was released in October 2018 will be the focus of one of the sessions.

Funding and Resourcing of Digital Learning in Canada

Michael Barbour, Touro University California

Description: In 2017, British Columbia began a review of the model that it uses to fund K-12 digital learning. This session explores how digital learning funding across Canada. Two of the three models overlap with common US models (i.e., supplement per fee courses & FTEs). However, the third model – direct funding and/or resourcing district-based digital learning. This session will explore these three models, with a specific focus on the strengths – and challenges to implementing – this third model.

Learning Objectives:

  • Participants will learn about the current review of funding mechanism and regulatory framework in British Columbia.
  • Participants will explore the various funding and resource model for digital learning in Canada.
  • Participants will investigate whether the direct funding and/or resourcing district-based digital learning could work in a United States context.

The full program is linked below.

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We’re getting excited about

presentations @ DLAC!

If you haven’t seen the conference agenda listing the presentations and speakers, we encourage you to take a peek. Over the next few weeks we’ll be talking about the sessions in videos released via email and on twitter @theDLAC.

Keep in mind that the program is designed for lots of different types of attendees. If you want to join a small discussion, join a table talk! If you prefer to engage in a workshop, we’ll have plenty of those. Plus, there will be Pecha Kucha presentations, short talks, and lots of time and places to create your own conversations.

Also…the hotel room block is now 75% full, so if you want to stay at the heart of the gathering, don’t wait until it’s too late!

Presentations at DLAC
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