One of our project partners, the Canadian eLearning Network, released their May newsletter earlier today. It featured the annual State of the Nation: K-12 e-Learning in Canada report for 2021.
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Photo credit: Ellen Kinsel
Welcome to the May CANeLearn News.
As we flow into the closing month of another school year, holding rock steady but letting those things we cannot control flow past us is the focus. In this issue are several new announcements and an incredible new report on potential privacy breaches during the pandemic. We also have several resources worth checking out.
Announcements :
CANeLearn Leadership Summit – July 8 [online] –Call for Proposals
14th Annual State of the Nation: K-12 e-Learning in Canada –Lastest report released
20th Annual Digital Learning Symposium October 19-21 – Vancouver BC –Call for Proposals is open!
Also, take a look at the Governments Harm Children’s Rights in Online Learning article below. It draws attention to technologies adopted during the pandemic and their ability to collect student data without approval and/or awareness of school districts. Many in the online community are shocked, including Tony Bates.
We hope your journey to school year-end is smooth. We will send another newsletter with our annual list of summer reads toward the end of June.